An integral part of the SSCS experience.
Over the years, we’ve trained thousands of C-store software customers with an approach targeted to their specific needs. While we began with classroom and onsite training, today, we also offer various online training programs.
Classroom Training
SSCS firmly believes in the value of classroom training under the guidance of a qualified instructor. That’s why classroom training, which takes place almost every week in our Salinas headquarters, has long been the anchor of our training department.
SSCS classroom training provides an opportunity to learn in an environment that closely resembles the sites our customers and their staff work in every day. In our classroom environment you will find point-of-sale (POS) systems, a fuel dispenser, hand-held terminals (HHTs) for scanning, and PCs running the latest SSCS software. Students get to meet other dealers and work in a setting where they can learn without being interrupted, while experiencing SSCS’s corporate environment first hand and see what distinguishes us in the market.
Typically, during their week with our instructors, attendees learn the fundamentals of our applications and get a start on the training tools that come with them. When new customers complete their initial orientation, SSCS then sends qualified representatives out to their sites for two more days of onsite setup and training.
Onsite Training
When customers purchase the Computerized Daily Book from us, they have the option to take advantage of onsite training. We offer this service for those cases in which customers can’t schedule classroom training and wish to have SSCS create a classroom-type environment for them.
Onsite training is provided by the same instructors that teach the curriculum featured in our headquarters classroom, ensuring you receive the same high quality curriculum regardless of location. In addition, onsite training gives us the opportunity to experience your store’s environment firsthand along with the specific challenges you may face on a daily basis.
Online Training
SSCS online training options allow users to learn from the convenience of any computer with an internet connection. Using secure access, students connect to a server running a version of the specified software module. The SSCS instructor operates the specified programs remotely, guiding the audience through their features. Several types of web-based training are offered:
Knowledge Blocks — A one-on-one, fee-based training program that permits the customer to stay with the same trainer during a four-hour block of time. It is customized to fill specific gaps in an individual’s knowledge of SSCS technology. The four-hour block can be split into smaller pieces if the customer feels this is the best way to absorb the knowledge being presented.
Online Video Training — A self-guided instructional tour of the CDB back office system, video topic by video topic.
Advanced Training
A form of online training, Advanced Training features an in-depth approach on key topics for one or more participants. This is a non-fee-based class and is limited to ten customers per session. What follows are the classes currently available. Click on the links for a brief description of each:
- Four Ways to Record a Purchase
- Expensing Waste Items to Improve Inventory Control
- Using Central Price Book
Customer Tools
SSCS provides a suite of training tools that compliment the training our customers receive. We provide videos, web-based help, interactive PDFs—even good old fashioned user guides. Whatever works best for you, we’ve got you covered.
If you are a customer, you can access all of our training materials after you log into our Customer Portal.