Monitoring Promotions
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See how profitable your promotions are.
Promotions can generate store traffic, serving as a tremendous source of profitability, but if they aren’t working they can cost you. The key to a successful promotion is accurately analyzing how much it improved an item’s sales, or the sales of related items, and how much offering a discount is affecting your store’s profitability. The Promotions report in Transaction Analysis displays all the key criteria you need to measure a promotion’s effectiveness and the length of time it should run. This module provides:
- A sortable table of all promotions going through your POS for any timeframe.
- The quantity of each type of promoted item that has been sold.
- The full retail amount of what you would have received with no discount.
- The total dollar amount discounted for each type of item.
- The percent discount offered for each item type.
- The sale amount you received for each type of promoted item.
- Totals for all these categories for the timeframe that you’ve analyzed.
- The sample Promotions Report below displays promotion activity at 19 sites for a timeframe of one month.
With this information at their fingertips, Transaction Analysis users are able to make much more astute decisions about which promotions to continue and discontinue.