Tobacco Rebate Export
Automation for capturing manufacturer rebates.
Tobacco Rebate Export (TRE) software, which is launched from SSCS’s Transaction Analysis platform, locks in your manufacturer revenue stream after initial setup. Monetary incentives offered by tobacco manufacturers create a steady and regular revenue stream for your convenience store. But that’s only if you have the time, the presence of mind, and the love for paperwork that such programs demand…unless, that is, you opt for a technology solution like TRE.
TRE allows you to submit, with a few mouse clicks, your week’s tobacco product sales to the manufacturer. The tobacco company can then confirm which of their products are being sold and in what quantities and combinations. A date/time stamp next to each item documents when the purchase occurred and if it was part of a tobacco product-based promotion. Tobacco Rebate Export can take this essential information and use it to analyze sales.