Control enterprise pricing from a single location.
Central Price Book (CPB) extends the functionality of the Computerized Daily Book (CDB) back office software by providing cloud-based, enterprise price book control from the location you choose. Update and transfer prices throughout the enterprise, or to and from sites or CDB zones established to organize stores by geography or other pricing-sensitive classifications. Price adjustments can be made by percentage, margin, or dollar amount. Know what is available and what the price will be, so your stores can begin selling the product in the right department and at the right price when the items hit your store.
CPB acts as a gatekeeper through which you can review price changes before allowing them into your master price book. It stages, for your approval, updates to pricing records imported into CPB from vendors and the CDB. New items from the same sources also are staged. Review, accept, and edit potential changes and additions before you commit them to your price book, then push them out to the sites you desired. If this sounds like something you would be interested in, please fill out the following form and an SSCS Sales Representative will be in contact shortly.