An SSCS Cornerstone
The SSCS support department is a cornerstone of the company, and a key contributor to SSCS’s outstanding reputation among its customer base. Our approach to customer care is personal—its scope exceeds the industry norm.
Building relationships, one customer at a time.
Our support department is in the relationship business, and we think it’s important that we make our customers feel that commitment every hour of the business day. The first step is making sure our customers’ initial support contact is a live voice, a personal connection increasingly rare within service operations these days.
End to end coverage.
We’ve designed our support process to reinforce our customer connection after first contact. The very same technicians providing phone support travel onsite to facilitate the installation of our solutions. They’re in the store, in the trenches, getting a feel for the specific use cases of the individual site, making sure our solutions are aligned with the needs of each particular operation. They help customers set up their hardware and software, while performing additional required tasks. It’s a face-to-face association that can continue for years to come. And backing our on-site team is headquarters support, which provides several days of phone follow-up after the installation to ensure the store gets pointed in the right direction.
We know your business.
Of course, a relationship-based model means little when a support department experiences rapid, consistent turnover, but SSCS is unique in that the great majority of our support professionals are tenured —many for more than a decade. Stability in staffing not only lends itself to a personal connection. It also means our technicians have put in the time to learn the ins and outs of our products and services and how they align with the business cases specific to our customers. This familiarity provides our technicians speed and agility when addressing even the most complicated issues.
Our impressive suite of support tools, including remote access to the customer’s computer when an in-depth analysis of their system is required, helps assure we locate, identify and solve the most complicated problems.
Our customers find this is a refreshing change from what all too often passes as “support” these days: an anonymous voice you may never hear from again reading from a script that won’t address your concerns. That’s never an issue at SSCS, because we pay attention to the details of your business.